
Do you need some self-care accountability, because you’ve realised you just can’t do it on your own?

More importantly are you ready for some self-care accountability because you are sick & tired of feeling less than FABulous?

Would you like someone to provide you with a daily self-care ritual, because frankly you are so darn overwhelmed you just want someone else to lead the way?

Would you like to be heard without judgement?

Would you like to be seen without feeling you needed fixing?

Would you like to feel the energy of other women sharing their stories from a place of no filter?

When was the last time someone listened to you devotedly, no interruption, no comparison?

Are you ready to commit to 22 days of self-discovery, self-care & rewriting your story?

Can you gift & protect 2 hours a week – out of 168 a week – on a Wednesday evening for 4 weeks from the 11th August to the 1st September to create space & time JUST for you?

In fact, when was the last time you gifted yourself the luxury of 2 hours a week which didn’t include exercising to “lose the weight” & cramming life in?

I get it time is precious & you don’t want to “waste” the little bit of time you have in the week for you (I’ve heard it all before as a Group Exercise Instructor – go hard or go home).

BUT what if taking this time for just 4 weeks was the reset you needed, the home retreat, the opportunity to replenish, put the do not disturb sign on the door & clear some of the weight you have been carrying around for years?

Many of us are weighed down by the stories of our past, feeling heavy with the responsibilities of today, & fearful of the next chapter & the woman we are becoming so my invitation today is to take a leap of faith, trust that I have your back, & join me as we “Gather the Women” from next Wednesday.

Think of this 22 day deep dive as a beautiful opportunity to connect with yourself at your very core, make peace & thank the girl you used to be, honour accept & love the woman you are now & invite in the wisdom of the woman you are becoming. We gather as no more than 8 women across the internet, or if you are local to me you can be in person, to listen devotedly & without judgement, to celebrate & hold space, light candles, drink cacao, gather sticks & enjoy daily rituals to honour each element of ourselves.

This is a beautiful gift to give to yourself as we enjoy this gorgeous August energy & get ready for releasing and letting go, starting new projects & moving into a “new term” in September. I know I for one would like to show up this autumn feeling replenished, revitalised & a little lighter…….

find out more here

a circle of hands making a heart

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