Morning everyone welcome to a brand new wet week and here’s to enjoying splashing in the puddles.

My tri-training starts today and for me it’s so much more than the physical part (although that’s super important too), so I set my alarm for an hour earlier so that I can start being more disciplined with my day. I listened to my meditation, journalled which I’ve now been doing for 2 months ( this is something I’ve never been able to do) and took G for a walk before my Monday morning Yoga Class. These are all little things that I’ve been practicing and putting in place to set myself up for success.

For those of you reading this and thinking oh Monday morning Yoga if only, please remember my work day starts later than a normal 9-5 so I do in the morning what most people do after 5pm.

I knew this year I would take on a fitness challenge and so I have been doing my “prehab” in readiness for the mindset and discipline I knew I would need to establish so that when I was ready to take “it” up a notch I had already formed the supporting habits to ensure I was in a good pace to get out of my own way.

So yesterday I food prepped, got the juices made and was mentally prepared for my Monday morning.

I’m now ready to layer in the physical training and I have no doubt there will be some intersting bumps and plot twists but for now I feel I have got myself ready physically (daily 10,000 steps) and mentally for the fun times ahead.

So as they say let’s bring it on and if you have already bailed on your fitness goals, maybe it’s time to step back, review your support structures and make sure your mind set is right for the goals you want to achieve?

Sharing the link below to two great podcasts I listened to over the weekend especially for the busy mums out there ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Making Self care your priority

Why meditation is non negotiable

Ep. 144: Making Self-Care Your First Priority with Deanna Schober
00:52:01 – Being a mom is no easy feat, and Deanna Schober knows it. Deanna is a mom of 4 and taking care of 4 other humans meant that taking care of herself…


Keep reading: