Beltane Essential Oil Blend

Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival. Most commonly it is held on 1 May, or about halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. … Also known as Cétshamhain (“first of summer”), it marked the beginning of summer and it was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures.

It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and at this point in the Wheel of the Year, the potential becomes conception. Read more here 

As well as letting go of Winter (although the cold winds are keeping us gently connected to colder times) and welcoming in summer it’s also a reminder to be present and grateful for the day, rather than putting all our energy into wishing and hoping for summer. There is so much to enjoy and be grateful for each day.

You may wish to think what it is you need to release and let go from your winter and host a little ceremony or ritual to allow you to do so. I will be creating space for this in both of my May Cacao Ceremonies which you can book here 

To honour this turning of the wheel and the Warrioress Energy Rising I’ve chosen the following three oils to embody this time of hope and creativity:

Tangerine the oil of gladness and creativity helping to lift the darkest of moods and inviting you to make room for your creative side. (Fire element)

Affirmation – I invite my curiosity to playfully lead me on new adventures.

Green Mandarin the oil of pure potential inviting you experience joy in the journey and to never stop becoming. (Fire element)

Affirmation – I listen to the whisperings of my heart.

Ginger the oil of empowerment persuading you to be fully present and inviting you to be present in your life. (Earth element) 

Affirmation – I am an empowered being, magnetising abundance and joy.

You could create a beautiful blend for aromatic dressing, a roller ball to use as your “purefume”, diffuse when you want your creative energy to flow, and to be joyfully present in this “thing called life”

Or like me add a drop of each to your cacao and enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of these beautiful oils. 

(please note not all oils can be taken internally so please do not choose this option if 1- your oils do not say they can be used internally 2- you are not comfortable / confident with this application – there are so many other ways to use them.)

Affirmations are courtesy of Gifts of Essential Oils – Barralet & Boscarello Ovens 

For those interested in finding out more about Essential Oils then why not arrange a informal and fun chat or ask for a sample and let me introduce these gifts of the earth to you.

Simply message me to connect…..

Beltane cacao blend

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