
This Valentines Week let’s give our hearts a little extra love and aromatically dress with some heart healing and supportive oils.

Coronary heart disease kills twice as many women as breast cancer in the UK and as a Menopausal Woman I want to ensure we are all aware of how we can support our hearts and help them to keep beating for longer.

Diet and exercise play a huge role and more of that another time BUT for now how about choosing to aromatically dress with oils to support your heart and cardiovascular system , as well as helping you to feel a little more loving and maybe even passionate this week?

During peri-menopause a woman’s level of oestrogen will start to naturally decline and this is important to know as amongst many things oestrogen helps to protect a number of different parts of your body, including your heart and blood vessels, bones, brain, skin and vagina, so they can all be affected by low levels. To this end we need to be extra vigilant and heart aware so that we can ROCK our lives and stay heart happy and healthy.

There are around 3.5 million women living with a heart or circulatory disease (including heart disease and stroke) in the UK 24,000 women die from coronary heart disease each year in the UK, most commonly due to a heart attack – that’s an average of 65 women per day!

So I had a great time doing some research, as let’s not forget having fun and laughing lots is good for the heart and soul too, and am sharing the oils I am using to support my heart and bringing more love in!



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