So this happened yesterday!
I signed up to do GoTRI in Leeds with #herspirit and the training starts on Monday.
What made me do it? Everything was aligned – I’ve always been interested in tri-athlon as an amazing way to show how strong the body and mind can be, I needed a new fitness challenge that wasn’t too challenging – you can see the distances on my post – my criteria was what is the shortest running distance
I wanted to do an open water swim ever since Rachel C-k took me for my first one last year and I’ve been following #herspirit since last year a locally based organisation whose values match mine.
“A small team of women have got together to make a big difference. We’re women like you, and we have a shared passion for finding the best way to live a healthy, happy life.
We created Her Spirit as an online community to harness the collective power of real women working as a united force together. Our goal is to help women to make positive changes from the inside out, by taking small steps every day. We’ve replaced counting calories with challenges, feeling deprived with feeling brilliant.
With the help of a safe, supportive community and inspirational content, we promise to guide, empower and inspire you find your healthier and happier me.”
I has also won an 8 week tri-athlon training programme at my networking meeting go team MIBA with Kirsty Hillier Triathlon Coaching(send her much love and support) thanks to Jess Iliffe gifting it to me so I couldn’t ignore the signs anymore and when I met Mel from HERSPIRIT on Wednesday and she told me that the go tri was on the 6th June my 53rd birthday and if my body behaves my official pass out of peri-menopause and my anniversary of my menopause – that last day of your last period followed by 365 days of no menses – it had to be done and the swim is also open water which I believe is quiet unusual for a short distance – the open water swimming training starts the 7th March!
Do you think it will be bikini weather?
So here goes lets see what we can do together and obviously I will be powered by juice, oils and crystals.
I’ll be sharing my progress regularly and updating you all on what I’m eating, drinking, recovering, moving, resting and recharging – so feel free to jog along beside me!
Lets celebrate what our bodies can do and that Menopause is a time to ROCK and change the story!