News and Events

The Secret Sorceress Society - My Podcast!

Empowering Women to rewrite their story and show up without burning out
Presented by Mairi Taylor

Previous Events

Watch and listen to just a few of the many talks and interviews I have recently been involved in.

The Sounds of the Rising

By Rochelle Hubbard

The Sounds of the Rising is a space for women: a space for women to sit in conversation, and a space for those listening to hear the voices, the sounds, of the women who are rising. Women who are rising to the call to step into their truth, to remember, and know deeply inside of them their worth, and to claim the sovereignty, the freedom, and the resulting abundance that they are worthy of. Women are recognising, right now, in these times, the need to rewrite their stories and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Here, in this space, we come together as we rise.
From disagreements about non-organic apples to now dancing side-by-side, fuelled by cacao, hearts open, connected deeply: my friendship with Mairi has been a magical ride. I am so overjoyed to share this episode with you. Mairi is someone you will meet once, and never forget, and for good reason. Not many women are as committed to, and as excited about, their own growth as Mairi Taylor, and with each step of her own journey, comes a deepened passion + drive to take other women along with her, empowering each of them to claim the life they were meant to live as she goes. If you don’t yet have Mairi in your world, you do now, and it is my honour to bring her to you. I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation, as much as I enjoyed having it.

The Awakened Woman

Letting yourself truly shine – Mairi Taylor Menopause Rockstar

The Eleshia Show

Rock Your Menopause | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor – Part 6 of 6

The Eleshia Show

Out Out with Ovulation | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor – Part 4 of 6

The Eleshia Show

Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow | Mairi Taylor

The Eleshia Show

Learning to Love your Menses | Mairi Taylor

The Eleshia Show

If you would like to listen to all of the Eleshia Show series of podcasts you can find them below.

Conversations With The Divine Feminine – podcast by Diana Adamko

Conversations #18 – How To Rock Your Menopause with Mairi Taylor

Sofya Style Radio

Wise Woman Show- 11/02/21