Goddess Experience
"Heal the Womb, Heal the Woman"
- Clare Spink (founder Holistic Massage Academy)
Each Goddess Experience treatment will be a blend of leading edge techniques such as Abdominal Massage, Rebozo, Pulsing, & Guided Visualisations to create a unique massage experience, according to the needs & requirements of each woman at that time.
I shall be offering this most divine of treatments to those women looking to connect deeper with the very core of themselves & come back home to their bodies. Womb Connection has supported my Menopause Transition & enabled me to release much of the guilt & shame I had been carrying for years. Your treatment can be up to 2 hours & includes an opportunity to be seen, heard & HELD. The hands-on aspect is gentle, nurturing & enables connection with aspects of yourself that have lain dormant & hidden for years.
This is a safe space, where you are in complete command as I work with you to bring you home to you.

Goddess experience PRICES:
- £123:00 (up to 2 hours)
*NOTE: Please note you cannot have this treatment whilst on your period