The FABmot was designed to enable you time to step off the merry go round called life & gift yourself the time to check in with yourself and ensure all is WELL as you get to meet your FABulous 5 SoftPower Types.

The FABmot was created to provide you with that much needed touch base with yourself to ensure that you are living your best life fully empowered and educated to be the informed consumer you deserve to be. It is my opportunity to bring all my learning and insights to you so that you can choose what you need to support your wellbeing.

Just like we have our car MOT’d every year I believe we should also have our bodies and lifestyle MOT’d too. 

The only constant in our life is change and so how great would it be to have an annual, bi-annual, quarterly touch base to check in with yourself, allow me to hold the mirror up, invite you to be your own detective and give yourself time off the merry go round to check in, review and recharge. You also get an opportunity to connect with your SoftPower ™️ Archetypes.

SoftPower™️ Profile – you will get your own unique profile to help you understand how to use these beautiful archetypes to support your wellbeing journey.

Essential oils – I’ll create a unique blend to anchor in your ongoing needs & help you connect with who you want to be.

Crystals – we always sit with my beautiful Rose Quartz for her wonderful healing vibrations

Healy™️ – the latest addition to my well-being tool box – a personal wearable device used to balance the body’s energetic field and activate its own self-healing on the physical, emotional or spiritual level. You will receive your personal scan at the start of your session & then I’ll run your unique programme as you unburden, set your intentions & bring you back to you 🙏🏻

Cacao – this beautiful heart medicine may be served to ground you & connect you to your own heart medicine.

Meditation – a journey with your womb wisdom to connect you to this sacred place where your secrets, wisdom & creativity lie.

We may use all of these, some of these, none of these as it entirely depends on how you show up on the day & your own unique needs – you may simply want a safe space where your inner whispers can be heard – I’m here to HOLD that space for you 🙏🏻

Serious about your Hormone Health? I am partnering with The Holistic Pharmacist Jolanta A Addicott to bring you the Gold Standard in Hormone Testing “The Dutch Test” you can connect with Jolanta and organise a separate appointment by clicking on the button below:

The FABmot Package


A 90 minute lifestyle consultation acting as a catalyst for change – you simply need to check in with yourself and reset your goals. This is for those that know what to do, they just need reminding, tweaking and resetting themselves £123.23 for a one off session & your first session. Plus you get to meet your SoftPower Types and a free profile.

Booking a regular monthly 60 minute MOT then the cost is £67:67 a month.


Click the button below to contact Mairi about your FAB MOT.